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EBMedia, LLC

(San Francisco, California, U.S.A. - Jeff M. Wang)


Efforts and Courage Are Not Enough Without Purpose and Directions. 
-- John F. Kennedy



 EBMedia, LLC: A Research, Consulting and Investment Company.

- The Global Brain

We've seen the power of the internet to connect people around the world like never before. Billions of messages and pieces of information sent back and forth are connecting human minds into a single global brain: a brain with amazing potential for the planet.

The Global Brain is a neuroscience-inspired and futuristically conceived planetary information and communication technology (ICT) network that interconnects all humans and their technological artifacts. 

As this network stores more and more information, takes over more and more coordination and communication functions from traditional organizations, and grows smarter, it increasingly acts as the brain of the planet.

- EBMedia Intelligent Platforms 

EBMedia, LLC stands for Emerging Business Media, LLC. It specializes in new media technologies that support the processes of generating, interpreting, and sharing knowledge of emerging technologies using a variety of different new media platforms, as well as tools to understand how the use of different new media shapes these processes.


- EBMedia Ventures

EBMedia Ventures is a leading provider of sustainable innovation research and advisory services, helping clients drive growth through emerging technologies. 

EBMedia Ventures combines technical expertise and business insights with a proprietary EITC intelligence platform, using advanced analytics and data science to present true leading indicators. 

With high-quality data from primary research, fact-based analysis, and viewpoints that challenge conventional thinking, EBMedia Ventures enables clients to make better-informed decisions today to ensure future success.



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