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EITA Venture Forum

(San Francisco, California, U.S.A. - Jeffrey M. Wang)


The Strongest People Are Not Those Who Show Strength In Front Of Us, But
Those Who Win Battles We Know Nothing About.



- The Main Goal

The EITA Venture Forum is a startup community dedicated to helping entrepreneurs start and scale businesses. We connect entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs with the resources and mentors they need to drive entrepreneurial success. 

The EITA Venture Forum helps take new campus technologies to market. Through research collaborations and partnerships, community innovation, industry support and commercialization opportunities, firms benefit from our expertise and technologies while increasing their own innovation potential.


- What We Do

We support a connected community of research scientists, entrepreneurs and business leaders by organizing networking groups, events, resources and entrepreneurial mentoring.

The EITA Venture Forum, the global Forum for knowledge exchange, provides workshops relevant to engineering, science and technology entrepreneurship. The EITA Venture Forum is dedicated to the promotion and growth of high-tech start-ups and emerging companies by connecting ideas, technology and people. 

The events of the Forum provide opportunities for the venture community to discuss, understand and evaluate the state-of-the art in cutting edge business and technology solutions.  


[More to come ...]


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