Welcome to EITA-New Media 2013
- (Barry Lam Hall, College of EECS, National Taiwan University)
International Conference on Arts, Culture, New Media, and Entertainment 2013
(EITA-New Media 2013) or (EITA-EITC 2013)
"New Media in Art, Technology, and Heritage"
Barry Lam Hall, College of EECS
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Republic of China (Taiwan)
Saturday-Sunday, November 23-24, 2013
Heritage is all the things that make up our national identity. "Our heritage is a legacy from our past, a living, integral part of life today, and what we pass on to future generations" - UNESCO. We can know our identity through our cultural heritage.
The rise of new media has increased communication between people all over the world and the Internet. It has allowed people to express themselves through (at least for now) Internet, blogs, websites, computer multimedia, pictures, and other user-generated media. Cultural heritage shapes relationships with our neighbors and with other communities around the world. We believe that respect for, and celebration of, our diverse cultural heritage promotes human understanding and economic development in an increasingly interdependent world.
The use of new media in the service of cultural heritage is known as virtual heritage. Virtual heritage is a mix of cultural heritage with information and communication technologies (ICT). The aim of the EITA-New Media 2013 is to explore the opportunities and challenges of using digital media in the research, preservation, management, interpretation, and representation of cultural heritage. The two-day conference brought together leading interdisciplinary scholars, artists, and media industry representatives to reflect on the nature of knowledge in the digital age.
We are pleased to invite you to attend the EITA-New Media 2013 and submit proposals for papers, panels, demonstrations, and SIG discussions. The Conference Review Policy requires that each proposal will be peer-reviewed by for inclusion in the conference program, and CD-ROM proceedings.
Download Call for Participation - EITA-New Media 2013 (PDF).
The EITA-New Media 2013 conference consists of four parallel workshops:
- Workshop 1 (W1): Digital Media, Culture, and Society
- Workshop 2 (W2): Broadband and Wireless Computing, Network Technologies, Services and Applications
- Workshop 3 (W3): New Media/Multimedia, Machine Learning, Web, and Entertainment Technology
- Workshop 4 (W4): Ubi/Cloud Computing, High Performance Computing (HPC)/Data Center, Cyber Security, and Digital Forensics
Possible Workshop Topics
The conference is structured around a number of sub-themes that include -but are not limited to, the following topics as they relate to the research and development aspects of New Media in Art, Technology, and Heritage. The long list is not meant to be all-inclusive. Rather, it should be used to stimulate and encourage other ideas and possibilities.
1. Cloud Computing, Web, HPC/Data Center, Cyber Security, Digital Forensics
- The Internet of Things
- Cloud culture
- Ubi/Cloud computing architecture
- Infrastructure/software/application/business cloud
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in cloud computing
- Virtualization of hardware/software resources
- Design tool for cloud computing
- Maintenance and management of cloud computing
- Cloud applications in vertical industries
- Cloud computing in the healthcare industry
- Scientific computing in the cloud
- Business computing in the cloud
- Social computing in the cloud
- High availability in cloud computing environments
- High performance computing (HPC) cloud
- Semantic web, web services an networks
- Emerging web technologies
- The deep web
- The green data center
- Data center power management
- Cloud computing: Impact on data center technology and operations
- Virtualization and cloud computing in the data center
- Scalable storage infrastructure for database systems
- Social media, cloud computing and big data
- Big data foundations, Infrastructure, management, and applications
- Quantum computing and communication
- Quantum cryptography
- Digital forensics and crimes
- Data leakage, data protection and database forensics
- Forensics of virtual and cloud environments
- Network forensics and traffic analysis hardware vulnerabilities and device forensics
- File system and memory analysis multimedia forensics
- Anti-forensics and anti-anti-forensics techniques
- Malware forensics and anti-malware techniques
- Visual Analytics for cyber security
- Automated vulnerability detection
- Security risk assessment and management
- Intrusion detection and prevention
- Cloud infrastructure security
- Emerging threats to cloud-based services
- Securing distributed data storage in the cloud
- Big data security and privacy
- Internet privacy
- Privacy and security in cloud computing
- Security assurance/interoperability for critical infrastructure
- Network and system security
- Secure information exchange gateway and watchdog switches
- Embedded systems security
- Wide area monitoring, protection & control
- Access control management and authentication services
- Surveillance systems
- Smart grid security
- Cyber warfare trends and approaches
- Resilient infrastructure
- Wireless security
- Next-generation security technologies
- Bio-inspired technologies for enhancing cybersecurity
- Biometrics standards and standardization
- Biometrics applications
- Emerging theories and algorithms in biometrics
- Multimedia and document security
- Software evolution
- Software verification and assurance
- Software security
- Secure routing
- Testbeds for security applications
- Operating systems security
- Intrusion detection/prevention
- Cyber security and Internet economy
2. Wireless and Optical Communications, Network Technologies, Services and Applications
- B3G/4G systems, WiMAX, WLAN and WPAN
- Digital signal processing
- Wireless network modeling and design
- Networked & embedded systems
- Wireless distributed and mobile embedded systems
- Mobile and wireless computing, and pervasive computing
- Multimedia communications
- Multimedia in wireless networks
- Wireless & mobile networking
- Wireless sensor networks
- Wireless broadcast, multicast, and streaming
- Wireless routing
- Content distribution in wireless home environment
- Cognitive radio networks
- Positioning and sensing
- Ad Hoc, sensor and mesh networking
- Next-generation networking and Internet
- Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technologies and applications
- Network protocol and congestion control
- QoS, reliability & performance modeling
- Adaptive media streaming and processing
- Multimedia QoS and traffic management
- Mobility, location and handoff management
- Capacity, throughput, outage and coverage
- Context and location-aware wireless services
- RFID technology and application
- Cognitive radio and sensor-based applications
- Content distribution in wireless home environment
- Vehicular networks
- Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications
- Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications
- Vehicle-to-X (V2X) communications (e.g., with bicyclists, pedestrians, etc.)
- In-vehicle communications
- Radio technologies for V2X (radio resource management, propagation models, antennas, etc.)
- Link- and Network-layer protocols for vehicular networks (MAC, routing, mobility management, geonetworking, etc.)
- Applications of vehicular networks
- Communication related to electric vehicles
- SIP based services, multimedia and middleware
- Innovative user interfaces for multimedia services
- Multimedia storage and retrieval
- Regulations, standards and spectrum management
- Communications software and services
- Interworking heterogeneous wireless/wireline networks
- System-on-Chip (SoC) and Network-on-Chip (NoC)
- Molecular communications and networking
- Intelligent touring
- Smart home
- Smart grid networking and communications
- Emerging wireless/mobile applications
- Optical communications
- Fiber optic communications: Dense Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (DWDM), Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (ROADM)
- Optical networks and systems
- Integration of optical and wireless networking
- Optical networks to support cloud computing
- High speed optical LANs and gigabit Ethernet
- QoS over optical networks for future networks
- Passive optical networks
- Design, control and management of optical networks
- Reliability and protection in optical networks
- Energy efficiency in optical networks
- Emerging architectures for optical routers and switches
- Emerging optical fiber technologies
3. Transmedia and Technology
Transmedia theory and design
Transmedia, art and content
- Transmedia storytelling
- Transmedia journalism
Transmedia and future computing/IT convergence/creative industry
4. Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality (VR/AR/MR)
- Wearable computing
- Ubiquitous mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR)
- Wearable
and mobile mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR)
- Distributed
and collaborative mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR)
- Industrial/medical
mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR) applications
- Mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR) for entertainment and training
- Interactive, virtual and augmented environments
- Avatars and virtual community
- Tele-immersion
- Fovea-contingent display
- Volumetric display
- Vari-focal plane head-mounted display
- Multi-focal plane head-mounted display
- Head-mounted projection display
- Eye-tracked head-mounted display
- 3D printing technology
- Robotics and telepresence
5. Virtual Heritage
- Mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR) for cultural heritage
Computer animation for cultural heritage applications and virtual heritage
- Virtual realty (VR) applications in conservation research and practice
Intelligent description of cultural heritage content (in multiple languages)
- Novel Internet-based cultural heritage applications
Encyclopedias in cultural heritage
Digital libraries and archives
- National digital libraries and aggregators as cross-domain systems
- E-libraries and e-learning in cultural heritage
- Cultural heritage and edutainment
- Cultural heritage and cuisine
- Knowledge systems for heritage management
Virtual heritage, virtual tourism, and virtual museum applications (e-museums and e-exhibitions)
- Digital image processing and pattern recognition
- 3D data capture and processing in cultural heritage
- Digital reconstructions and 3D modeling
- Digital media and commodification of cultural heritage
- Digital heritage tools and
- The economics of cultural informatics and tourism
6. Media Arts, Culture and Technology
- Film, television, and digital media
- Camera culture
- Immersive cinema
- 3D reconstruction and motion estimation
- Computational camera and photography
- Computational photography
- Information technologies, social networking, and digital media
- International, inter-cultural, and intra-cultural communication
- Cyberarts and visualization
- Gigapixel display
- 3D displays
- Information visualization and visual analytics
Ubiquitous/pervasive media and art
Media arts and creative technologies
- Creative writing
Interactive and mobile media & art
- Opera of the future
Museum art and exhibitions
- Future of storytelling
- Digital storytelling
- Applications of serious gaming technologies
- Affective computing
- Media forensics
- Digital art forensics
- Applied arts
- Apparel design, architecture, furniture design, industrial design, interior architecture and landscape architecture
- Culture, fashion design and digital media
- Fashion photography
- Craft and decorative art
- Music theory and composition
- Ethnomusicology
- Intermedia music technology
- Networked music
Computer music and multimedia
- Electronic music composition
- Computer audition
- Sound analysis, processing, synthesis and control
- Melodic pattern recognition
- Auditory display
- Symbolic manipulation of formal music representations
- Music perception and cognition
- Music therapy
- Emerging sound recording technologies
- Internet music delivery
- Music entrepreneurship
7. Social Computing, Entertainment and Education
- Interactive multimedia
- Mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR) for entertainment
- Human-centered computing and cognitive science
- Education, virtual classroom and virtual collaborative learning
- Social impact, social networking, sound and music
- Social and interactive computing and media
- Social Computing and computational journalism
- Digital game-based learning
- Web-based learning environment
- Mobile learning
- Mobile entertainment
- Mobile social networks
8. Artificial Intelligence
- Computational intelligence
- Storytelling in games
- Smart graphics
- Cognitive machines
- Robotics and computational perception
- Machine listening and learning
- Intelligent user interfaces
- Robot navigation
- Crowdsourcing
- Natural language understanding
- Computational linguistics and speech processing
- Machine translation/multilingual processing
- Natural language processing and computational linguistics
- Online handwriting and gesture recognition technology
- Knowledge management and business intelligence
- Intelligent machinima generation
- Web intelligence
- Data mining, text mining, and web mining
- Data mining and knowledge management
- Big Data search and mining
- Multimedia techniques for enhanced accesibility systems
Presentation Categories
The Technical Program includes a wide range of interesting and useful activities designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.
- Keynote Speakers
- Invited Panels/Speakers
- Papers
- Panels
- Demonstrations
All paper submissions must be written in English and will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings (CD-ROM formats) as well as on the EITA-New Media 2013 website. You may download the Proceedings through the Internet. These proceedings serve as major sources in the global high-tech community, reflecting the current state of the art in the disciplines.