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The Organization

(United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland - Alvin Wei-Cheng Wong)


Leaders are Innovative, Entrepreneurial, and Future Oriented. 

They Focus on Getting the Job Done.



This webpage is a directory of the EITA organization. To explore the EITA organization, click on the folder links in the left column.


The Emerging Information and Technology Association (EITA)

EITA is a federated, non-political, non-religious, non-profit international organization (NPO/virtual organization) dedicated to expanding the frontiers of emerging technologies and services and building a creative and innovative economy - the knowledge-based, new digital economy of the 21st century.


- The Emerging Information and Technology Conference (EITC)

The organization of the EITC is a federated, non-political, non-religious, and non-profit international organization/think tank (NPO/virtual organization) managed by and for the benefit of the R&D community worldwide. 

The organization of the EITC, supported and coordinated by the EITA, provides many (on-site and/or virtual) international forums (the EITA forums) for the advancement of emerging technologies and services every year.  


- EITA's Organizational Structure

EITA's organizational structure is divided into eight different divisions and a number of regional non-profit chapters (separate and independent legal entities), as well as resident coordinators and their offices within each division:

  • An EITA's Administrative Divisions/Councils/Teams
  • Venture Community and Venture Think Tank
  • Young Investigator Forum
  • North America Division
  • Latin America Division
  • Europe Division
  • Indo-Pacific Division
  • Africa Division 


Stanford University_080921A
[Stanford University]

- EITA Venture Community and Venture Think Tank

The EITA Venture Community (EITA-VC) aims to build a vibrant and growing global community of entrepreneurs, innovators and thought leaders who are changing the world and helping high-tech entrepreneurs and start-ups advance their ideas and ventures in all aspects.


- EITA Outreach (Readers) Forum

The EITA Outreach (Reader) Forum drives discussion on critical issues facing the United States and the world, bringing together thousands of the world's leading thinkers to share the latest research and explore new ideas and solutions. 

Our mission is to engage science, engineering, and medical professionals by inspiring their natural curiosity and nurturing their commitment to lifelong learning, discovery, and invention.


- The EITA-Young Investigator Conference (YIC Forum)

The main purpose of the EITA Young Investigators Conference (EITA YIC Forum) is to help promising young researchers and entrepreneurs in the field of emerging technologies and services develop their careers and plan their careers.

The EITA YIC Forum will provide an opportunity for colleague interaction for senior faculty members and researchers who have successful careers in the field of emerging technologies and services research.


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