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EITA Technology Advisory Council and Venture Think Tank

(San Francisco, California, U.S.A. - Jeff M. Wang)


Lead from the Back - and Let the Others Believe They Are in Front.

-- Nelson Mandela



- EITA Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) 

EITA Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) provides the voice of the industry, providing valuable insight and guidance on issues of critical importance to the industry from an industry R&D perspective. 

The Advisory Board consists of individuals with backgrounds in engineering, science, medicine, agriculture, new media, manufacturing, business, law, arts, political science, etc..


- The Main Goal of EITA Venture Think Tank

The main goal of EITA Venture Think Tank is to help EITA team members (industry) navigate the process of choosing a technology solution. The EITA-Technology Advisory Council (TAC) is made up of friendly, knowledgeable technology experts, technology advisory council members, from the industry. We have experience with the EITA's unique, highly-interdependent technology environment. 

We are practiced with the EITA's technology policies, standards, and guiding principles. If you are exploring the use, purchase, or development of a technology, and feel like you could benefit from some helpful advice or simply want to discuss options, request a consultation.


[Santiago, Chile - andres_briones_c]

- Technology Knowledge and Experience

The EITA's technology ecosystem is vast and complex. It is virtually impossible for one person, or even one department to have expertise in all areas of technology. The tech advisors can complement your team's knowledge, helping to ease the stress of making decisions outside of your area of technical expertise, shortening the time you invest in research, and reducing your overall risk. 

Our areas of expertise include:

  • New Media and New Digital Economy
  • Future Internet and Optical Quantum Communications
  • 5G and Beyond Mobile Wireless Technology
  • AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Neural Networks
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Mathematics for AI/ML/DL, Operations Research/Management Science, and Data Science
  • High Performance and Quantum Computing
  • New Energy and Energy Resources of the Future
  • New Materials Technology and Applications
  • Life Sciences, Biomedical and ICT Convergence
  • Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (AOEAS)
  • New Agriculture and ICT Convergence
  • Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0
  • Smart City Technology
  • Advanced Software Engineering and Web Technology
  • Political Science and International Affairs Research
  • Business, Law, FinTech, and Operations Research

[More to come ...]

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