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Quantum Compilation

Quantum Compilation_091424A
[Quantum Compilation - EPFL]

- Overview

Quantum compilation is the process of transforming quantum algorithms into a sequence of operations that a quantum computer can execute. It involves simplifying quantum circuits and finding the most efficient way to implement them. 

Here are some aspects of quantum compilation: 

  • Circuit complexity: Quantum compilation reduces circuit complexity by repeatedly applying circuit transforms.
  • Circuit representation: Quantum compilation finds the most suitable representation for a quantum circuit.
  • Gate decomposition: Quantum compilation decomposes quantum gates in terms of the native gates of the quantum device.
  • Operation adaptation: Quantum compilation adapts operations to the hardware's topology.
  • Operation combination: Quantum compilation combines operations to reduce the circuit depth.
  • Circuit depth: Quantum compilation aims to find circuits with the lowest depth.
  • Number of gates: Quantum compilation aims to find circuits with the fewest number of gates.

Quantum compilation is important because quantum computers are all about speed. Quantum programs are written in a different way than programs for home computers, so they need different methods to compile. 

Quantum compiling is a hybrid between the general-purpose compilers of computers, transforming high-level language to assembly language, and hardware synthesis by hardware description language, where functions are automatically synthesized into customized hardware. 


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