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Software Engineering Economics

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- Overview

Economics is the study of values, costs, resources and their relationships in a particular context or situation. In the software engineering discipline, activities have costs, but the resulting software itself has economic properties. 

Software engineering economics is an invaluable discipline for determining software costs, applying basic concepts of microeconomics to software engineering, and utilizing economic analysis in software engineering decision making.

Software engineering economics is an approach to the study of software and software processes in relation to economic measures. It involves aligning software technology decisions with the organization's business goals. This helps organizations run their businesses sustainably, whether they are for-profit, non-profit or government organizations. 

Software Engineering Economics can help: 

  • Determine software costs
  • Applying microeconomic concepts to software engineering
  • Using economic analysis in software engineering decisions
  • Make software engineering-related decisions in a business environment


- Making Decisions in a Business Environment

Software engineering economics is about making software engineering-related decisions in a business setting. The success of software products, services and solutions depends on good business management. However, the relationship between the software business and software development and engineering remains ambiguous in many companies and organizations. 

Software engineering economics provides a method to systematically examine the properties of software and software processes and relate them to economic measures. These can be weighted and analyzed when making decisions within a software engineering project and its organization.

The essence of software engineering economics is to align software technology decisions with an organization's business goals. It explores key aspects of software engineering economics, including life cycle economics; risk and uncertainty; economic analysis methods and practical considerations, linking concepts and theories to contemporary software economic realities 


- Enterprise Software Architecture

In an increasingly digital world, companies understand that enterprise software architecture can yield tangible competitive advantages. Enterprise software architecture is the foundation of every technology-driven organization; not just hardware and software companies, but any organization that is building digital capabilities. 

Software architecture drives a company's ability to innovate, determines their R&D economics, and influences their operating model and ability to grow. No wonder the choice of enterprise software architecture has become a strategic imperative for businesses today.


- The Essence of Software Engineering Economics

Software economics is a well-established field of research concerned with evaluating software and estimating its production costs. It provides a method to study the properties of software and software processes in a systematic manner, linking them to economic measures. 

These economic indicators can be weighed and analyzed when making software organization-wide decisions, as well as comprehensively across the production or acquisition business.  

Software Engineering Economics is about making decisions related to software engineering in a business environment. The success of any software engineering project depends in part on effective business management. 

Software engineering economics provides a method for examining properties of software and software processes in a systematic way and relating them to economic measures. 

The essence of software engineering economics is to align software technical decisions with an organization's business goals, including life cycle economics; risk and uncertainty; economic analysis methods and practical considerations, linking concepts and theory to contemporary software economic realities.


- The Constructive Cost Model

The Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) is a model used in software engineering to estimate the effort, time, cost, and quality of a software project. It's based on the number of lines of code (LOC) in a system, as well as other project attributes like the development team's experience, hardware, and assessment of produce. 

COCOMO is a hierarchical model that uses formulas to estimate a project's schedule, cost, and effort. It includes 15 multiplying factors from different project attributes, and calculates time and effort using this information.


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