The Web Evolution and The Web Data Revolution
- The Beginning of the World Wide Web
The worldwide web (the web) has a long and complex history. It started with the development of the Internet in the 1960s. The Internet was originally designed for military purposes. It didn't take long, however, to see the Internet's potential for other uses.
In the 1970s, computer scientists began researching ways to link computers together to share information. This led to the development of protocols such as TCP/IP. These protocols allow computers to communicate with each other.
In the 1980s, more and more people started using computers. This led to the development of new technologies such as email and bulletin board systems. These technologies enable people to communicate with each other using computers.
In the 1990s, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is a system of interconnected documents that can be accessed using a web browser. This invention allowed people to access information on the Internet from anywhere in the world.
Today, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. We use it for communication, entertainment and work. It changes the way we live and work.
- Web 1.0: The Beginning of the World Wide Web
The World Wide Web (the web) was invented at CERN in 1989 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, and in 1993 CERN placed the World Wide Web software in the public domain. During this time, the Web and its applications have become widely used around the world, and many new technologies have emerged. The growth of the Web has benefited both from tremendous scientific advances and from the anecdotal events that helped to build the Web as we know it today.
The first version of the World Wide Web was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. It is a system of documents that can be linked together using hyperlinks. This enables people to share information quickly and easily. It also allows the creation of websites.
The first website was created in 1991 under the name "The World Wide Web Project". This website was created to provide information on the World Wide Web. In 1993, the Web was opened to the public. This led to a rapid increase in the number of websites created.
- The Evolution of World Wide Web
It took over 10 years to transition from the original web, Web 1.0, to Web 2.0, and it is expected to take just as long, if not longer, to fully implement and reshape the web with Web 3.0.
If the trend of change is traced from Web 1.0, a static information provider where people read websites but rarely interacted with them, to Web 2.0, an interactive and social web enabling collaboration between users, then it can be assumed that Web 3.0 will change both how websites are made and how people interact with them.
With Web 3.0 as the mainstream, the grasp of power will dissipate from the hands of a few powerful Web 2.0 companies, returning power to the people. In Web 3.0, users will have an ownership share of platforms and applications compared to today when tech giants dominate platforms.
Web 4.0 is the fourth generation of the World Wide Web. It features increased user interaction and collaboration, and a more seamless integration between the physical and virtual worlds. Some of the features of Web 4.0 include social networking, blogs, wikis, folksonomies, user-generated content, and mashups.
- Web 2.0: Bringing Interactivity to the Web
Web 2.0 evolved from the 2004/2005 transition, and it was all about providing "read and write" user interactions. Websites become social networks where people can share their thoughts and ideas. Blogs, forums, wikis became popular, where people wrote and posted their ideas. Having arrived, the internet is now a place where people can come together to discuss and collaborate on projects.
Web 2.0 is web sites and applications that consume user-generated content for end users. Web 2.0 is characterized by greater user interactivity and collaboration, more pervasive network connectivity, and enhanced communication channels.
One of the most striking differences between Web 2.0 and the traditional World Wide Web (WWW, retroactively known as Web 1.0) is the closer collaboration between Internet users, content providers, and businesses. Initially, the data was posted on a website and users simply viewed or downloaded the content. Increasingly, users are more invested in the nature and scope of web content and, in some cases, have real-time control over it.
The social nature of Web 2.0 is another major difference between it and the original static Web. More and more websites support community-based input, interaction, content sharing, and collaboration. Types of social media sites and applications include forums, tweets, social networks, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis.
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- Web 3.0: AI and Big Data
The advent of Web 3.0 allows for more interactions than just a place where people share information on the Internet. Web 3.0, or the Semantic Web, is an ecosystem that allows users to become active participants, interacting with applications privately and securely through a decentralized platform. This enables users to experience freedom, ownership, and most importantly, autonomy to create personalized and personalized journeys.
The vast majority of designers and builders will use cutting-edge tools, integrate into autonomous organizations, and participate in this new economy. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are the guiding principle of Web 3.0. (DAO). With Web 3.0, users will be able to manage their data on a decentralized, fair Internet. This would get rid of the high rents charged by the big platforms and free people from the fundamentally wrong monetization of the ad-based user-generated data paradigm that has defined the current digital economy.
The current architecture has front-end, middle-tier, and back-end, and from a technical point of view, needs to be modified for Web 3.0. Backend solutions will be required for processing the blockchain, persisting and indexing data in the blockchain, peer-to-peer interactions, and other tasks. Likewise, the middle tier also needs to use the blockchain to manage the backend, also known as the business rules tier.
- Web 4.0: Mobile Web
The next step is not really a new version, but an alternative version of the version we already have. The web needs to adapt to its mobile environment. Web 4.0 connects all devices in real and virtual worlds in real time.
The Fourth Generation of the Internet — Web 4.0 is all about the user experience. Web 4.0 connects all devices in real and virtual worlds in real time. It is a term used to describe a new phase of the web where users can interact more seamlessly. This generation is characterized by increased use of social media and mobile devices, which results in a more personal and interactive user experience.
Websites are now designed together with users, allowing for better collaboration and engagement. Additionally, the amount of data available online is exploding, making it easier for users to find information relevant to them. The fourth generation of the Internet promises a more connected and information-rich world, and businesses that adopt the Internet early will be better able to capitalize on this growing trend.
- Web 5.0: Open, Linked and Intelligent Web = Emotional Web
Although Web 5.0 still is in developing mode and the true shape is still forming, first signals are in that Web 5.0 will be about a linked web which communicates with us like we communicate with each other (like a personal assistant). Web 5.0 is called “symbiotic” web. This Web will be very powerful and fully executing. Web 5.0 will be the read-write-execution-concurrency web.
Web 5.0 will be about the (emotional) interaction between humans and computers. This interaction will become a daily habit for many people based on neurotechnology. Currently, the web is "emotionally" neutral, meaning that the web does not perceive users' feelings and emotions. This will change with web 5.0 - the emotional web.
An example is, which maps people's emotions. Putting on the headset, users will interact with content that affects their emotions or changes in facial recognition.
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