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APM Solutions

(Bern, Switzerland - Alvin Wei-Cheng Wong)

- Overview

APM solutions, or application performance monitoring solutions, help organizations identify and resolve performance issues in their applications and code. 

APM solutions can help:

  • Identify performance issues: APM solutions monitor the performance of applications, systems, and network infrastructure to detect bottlenecks and potential service interruptions.
  • Find the root cause: APM solutions trace requests across all components of an application stack to find the underlying drivers of issues.
  • Improve customer experience: APM solutions can help identify areas that deliver the most value to end users.
  • Reduce downtime: APM solutions can help reduce downtime by quickly finding and fixing performance problems.

APM solutions typically include:

  • A centralized dashboard: Aggregates, analyzes, and compares performance metrics to established baselines
  • Real-time alerts: Alerts system administrators to deviations from baselines
  • Historical data: Stores and utilizes historical data to surface trends and detect outliers
  • Performance metrics: Tracks various components of performance metrics, including user experience, computational resource capacity, and more
  • Code-level insights: Provides visibility into all application components, including web services, databases, caching layers, and more

Some examples of APM solutions include:

  • Scout APM: A comprehensive APM solution that provides in-depth visibility into response times and errors


- AI-Powered APM

AI-powered Application Performance Monitoring (APM) is a technology that uses AI and machine learning (ML) to monitor and improve the performance of applications. 

AI-powered APM can help businesses:

  • Improve customer experience: By identifying areas that provide the most value to users, businesses can optimize the application to enhance the customer experience.
  • Detect issues automatically: AI-powered APM can automatically detect issues and provide real-time insights.
  • Predict performance trends: AI-powered APM can learn from historical data to predict problems before they occur.
  • Analyze application dependencies: AI-powered APM can help businesses understand how each component of an application affects the other.
  • Gauge customer interactions: AI-powered APM can measure how customers interact with an application on various platforms.
  • Identify root causes: AI-powered APM can analyze code, infrastructure, network, and database to identify the underlying causes of performance degradation.
  • Scale with the business: AI-powered APM can adapt and scale with a business as it grows.


AI-powered APM can be used to monitor mobile apps, websites, and business applications. 


[More to come ...]



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