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Classification in NLP

(Art Institute Chicago, Chicago, Illinois - Alvin Wei-Cheng Wong)


- Overview 

In Natural Language Processing (NLP), statistical classification is a machine learning (ML) technique where text data is categorized into different classes based on statistical patterns identified from a training dataset, allowing the system to predict the category of new, unseen text by analyzing its features and comparing them to the learned patterns; essentially, it's a method of assigning labels to text based on probability calculations derived from the data. 

Please refer to the following for more information: 


- Key Characteristics

Key characteristics about statistical classification in NLP:

  • Supervised learning: This approach requires labeled training data where the correct category for each text sample is already known, which the model learns from to make predictions on new data.
  • Feature extraction: To classify text, the system extracts relevant features like word frequencies, n-grams, or parts of speech tags, which are then used to build the classification model.
  • Probability-based models: Statistical classification often relies on probabilistic algorithms like Naive Bayes, where the system calculates the probability of a text belonging to a specific category based on its features.

- Applications

Applications of statistical classification in NLP:

  • Sentiment analysis: Identifying the sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) of a piece of text
  • Topic classification: Categorizing documents based on their main topic
  • Spam filtering: Identifying emails as spam or not spam
  • Named entity recognition: Identifying named entities like people, locations, and organizations in text 
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