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Graph Theory and Graph AI

(Harvard University - Joyce Yang)

- Overview

Graph theory is the study of graphs, which are mathematical structures that model relationships between objects. A graph is made up of vertices and edges, which connect pairs of vertices. 

Graph theory is a tool for quantifying and simplifying complex systems. It can be used to represent and analyze network information, and has been fundamental to the development of algorithms like Google Page Rank and Netflix Content Recommendation.

In computer vision, an image is often modeled as a graph. Each pixel or superpixel is a vertex, and each vertex is connected to other defined neighbors.

Graph theory can also be used in data science. For example, in computer vision, an image is usually modeled as a graph.


- Graph Algorithms

Graph theory is the study of graphs as mathematical objects. Graph computing is a technology that studies graphs in the human world. 

In mathematics, graphs are a way to formally represent a network. A graph is defined as a set of vertices and a set of edges. Two vertices are neighbors if an edge connects them. 

In computer science, a graph is an abstract data type that implements the concepts of undirected and directed graphs from graph theory. Graph theory is important for software engineering because it plays a crucial role in representing relationships and dependencies within a system. 

Graph algorithms are an area of research that focuses on solving computational problems that are represented using graphs. For example, graph algorithms can be applied to solve optimization problems like the traveling salesman problem and the maximum flow problem.


- Graph AI

Graph AI is the use of machine learning (ML) on graphs to study the relationships between variables. It uses algorithms like clustering, partitioning, PageRank, and shortest path to solve problems. Graph AI can help organizations complete workflows in a single platform. 

Graph analytics is a new form of data analysis that helps businesses understand complex relationships between linked entity data in a graph or network. Graphs are mathematical structures that model many types of relationships and processes in social, information, biological, and physical systems. 

Graph Machine Learning (GML) is a broad field with many use case applications. One of the primary purposes of GML is to compress large sparse graph structures while maintaining important signals for inference and prediction. 

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a class of deep learning methods designed to perform inference on data described by graphs. GNNs are neural networks that can be directly applied to graphs, and provide an easy way to do node-level, edge-level, and graph-level prediction tasks.



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