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Cloud Data Governance

RWTH Aachen University_020722A
[RWTH Aachen University, Germany]

- Overview

Cloud data governance manages the accessibility, integrity, usage, and security of cloud computing systems to meet important business objectives. 

Cloud data governance is a set of processes and policies that help organizations manage data in the cloud. The goal is to ensure that data is secure, accurate, and compliant with relevant regulations and policies. It also helps organizations identify sensitive data, define how it can be used, and manage access to it. 

Cloud data governance helps to outline the policies and procedures surrounding data usage and access in the cloud. Using a governance framework, your organization can more easily manage access to data and enforce data usage policies. This prevents data from being accessed by unauthorized users or parties.

Cloud data governance can include:

  • Setting internal standards: Data policies that apply to how data is gathered, stored, processed, and disposed of
  • Complying with external standards: Standards set by industry associations, government agencies, and other stakeholders
  • Enforcing controls: Controls that allow greater access to data
  • Information classification: Identifying and managing valuable data sources, such as databases, data lakes, and data warehouses

In a multi-cloud or hybrid cloud computing setup, where data is stored in different locations and data governance rules differ between databases, cloud data governance presents new complexities.


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