Wireless 5G and Smart Cities
- [The Future of Smart Cities - Barclays]
Using Technology To Make Urban Living Better
Wireless 5G Can Enable Smart Cities
- Overview
In simple terms, a "smart city" leverages emerging technologies such as 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) to create and deliver connected solutions for the benefit of the community. While innovations in 5G technology will not by themselves promote smart city advancements, the new 5G infrastructure greatly expands opportunities for cities to leverage smart devices, sensors, and data to improve operations and functionality.
With 5G as the latest wireless technology, everything from smart sensors to self-driving cars can now communicate at blazing speeds and low latency without being tethered to Ethernet cables – resulting in more efficient systems and resources.
Both 5G and IoT are key components in changing the way cities connect and operate. With the limitless potential of IoT and the incredible speed and low latency of 5G, these technologies unleash critical infrastructure for the future of connected communities.
Thanks to the rollout and adoption of 5G and the IoT, the future of smart cities will be smarter than ever – offering endless opportunities for communities harnessing the power of edge computing, data and machine-to-machine technology.
- Why is 5G So Important?
So why is 5G technology so important to the development of smart cities?
- Public Safety and Security. Officials and emergency officers will be able to locate and receive real-time information about accidents and emergency calls from smart sensors located throughout the city.
- Flexibility. 5G networks will provide faster, lower-latency connections for public transportation systems, making it easier for self-driving cars and people to navigate cities.
- Traffic management. The combination of 5G networks and IoT devices promises to intelligently track and manage traffic flow, monitor road conditions and reduce traffic congestion.
- Energy efficiency. 5G creates enormous opportunities for connected devices within buildings and cities to help track, monitor and control energy. This helps buildings and cities better manage their energy supply, save money and become more sustainable.
- Wireless 5G Will Bring Smart Cities To Life
When it comes to managing the affairs of your city, the communications infrastructure plays an important role in making sure things run effectively and efficiently. Managing the resources and operations of so many megacities can only be cost-effective and efficient if they are automated and connected—a fundamental premise of smart cities.
5G has the potential to help cities increase citizen engagement and build smart city ecosystems around services, atmosphere, sustainability, inclusivity, and equity. 5G will serve as the foundation for small cell networks, powering cities' next-generation wireless network infrastructure. The connectivity and computing power enabled by wireless 5G will make smart cities a reality as city officials can adopt new technologies to solve smart city problems.
One factor expected to play a role in smart city development is 5G, which makes the lightning-fast delivery of streaming analytics more realistic. The rollout of 5G will spark a race to build applications to take advantage of the many market opportunities it creates.
Another area where smart IoT is gaining ground is in the automotive industry, where self-driving cars will be the norm in the next few years, and a large number of vehicles today have a connected app that displays the latest diagnostic information about the car. This is done through IoT technology, which is at the heart of connected vehicles. Diagnostic information isn't the only IoT advancement we'll see in the next year or so. Connected apps, voice search and current traffic information are some of the other things that will change the way we drive.
- The Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities
Cities around the world are adding technology to improve the environmental, financial and social aspects of urban life. Cities that use technology in this way to improve the lives of citizens and improve communication between residents and city officials are called smart cities.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is all about connectivity and processing, and there is no better example than a smart city. Nearby smart sensors will record everything from walking routes, shared car usage, building occupancy, sewage flow and temperature 24/7, with the aim of creating a comfortable, convenient, safe and clean place for the people who live there. Once the model is perfected, it can serve as a model for other smart communities and even smart cities.
However, the potential benefits of cities make IoT technology particularly compelling. Cities of all sizes are exploring how IoT can improve efficiency and security, and this infrastructure is increasingly being rolled out around the world.
Transportation is likely to lead this change, as bringing connectivity, intelligence and automation to roads and public transport has proven to significantly improve efficiency and experience.
Some IoT applications in smart cities include:
- Energy Management
- Air Quality Management
- Traffic Monitoring and Management
- Connected Public Transport
- Networked Street Lights
- Weather Monitoring
- Waste Management
- Integration of Smart Buildings and Smart Cities
As the Internet of Things becomes more pervasive, smart buildings are becoming a bigger and bigger part of smart cities. While building owners and managers are always looking for new and better ways to reduce costs and increase energy efficiency, with recent technological advancements, traditional building management systems (BMS) are becoming obsolete. Why? Wired drive networks in buildings not only quickly reach their data limits, but also lead to higher costs and complexity. Today, smart buildings can leverage wireless technology, IoT devices, building automation, and data analytics to assess and monitor processes while also operating in a more cost-effective and efficient manner.
Through IoT sensors, automation and remote management, building owners and managers can deploy a variety of devices throughout a facility to capture real-time data and insights about building management and functions, giving them unparalleled visibility into their building operations . With a particular focus on energy efficiency, facility owners and managers can now see exactly how and where energy is being used in buildings.
In addition to energy efficiency, wireless IoT sensors can also monitor facility health and air quality. As people begin to return to offices in the wake of the pandemic, the importance of monitoring facility health and air quality is important. In this regard, IoT sensors ensure building managers and businesses maintain a healthy working environment through advanced systems.
Finally, managing IoT security at scale is critical when it comes to data. To ensure that IoT devices and networks remain secure and operational, asset management is crucial as it provides regular and necessary IoT security assessments.
- Digital Solutions for a More Liveable Future
Ultimately, 5G moves smart city building from theory to practice and paves the way for the development and deployment of new applications ranging from monitoring air quality, energy use and traffic patterns to street lighting, smart parking, crowd management and emergency response. Smart cities use digital solutions, technology and data to significantly improve several key quality of life indicators.
This improves traffic and commute times, speeds up emergency response times, lowers healthcare costs, reduces water usage, reduces unrecycled waste and hazardous emissions, and ultimately leads to huge savings potential.
This opens up new business opportunities for companies that provide services and applications to manage complex IoT ecosystems and turn data into intelligent insights.
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