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EITA-YIC Steering Committee

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[PhD Career]


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- EITA-YIC Managing Committee

The EITA-YIC managing committee is the group of volunteers ultimately responsible for the activities of the EITA-YIC organization (a virtual organization). It plays the role in the organization as both leaders and decision makers. Their overall responsibilities are: 

  • Vision and Leadership. It ensures that everything the organization does supports its vision, purpose and aims.
  • Accountability and Legal Liability. It must account for everything the organization does, including its spending and activities.
  • Keep it Legal. It ensures compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements and seeks guidance around any uncertainties.
  • Financial Management. It ensures that all money, property and resources are properly used, managed and accounted for.
  • Managing Staff and Volunteers. It must ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are in place for staff and volunteers. and that both are properly managed and supported.


- Leadership Team, EITA-YIC Forum



[More to come ...]



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