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To chairs and invited speakers:
Please send update and correction of your presentation title, English/Chinese name, photo, affiliation, e-mail address, abstract, and biography to Professor Yu-Bin Chen ([email protected]). Thanks.


  • The Conference Proceedings (draft as of 8/1/13): (PDF version - 3.2 MBytes)




Air Station Miramar_Jeff M. Wang_1327565584


Please use the following Word files as templates to submit your presentation title, affiliation, contact information and abstract as well as your biography (using the guideline below) if you are a speaker/chair/organizer.



Please refer to the following guideline (or download the example (PDF) in the template) for preparing your biographical information (adapted from the IEEE guideline for transactions and journals; you can also submit your IEEE biography).


The Speaker may include biography for the title/abstract of the talk.  The first paragraph may choose to contain a place and/or date of birth (list place, then date). Next, the author’s educational background is listed. The degrees should be listed with type of degree in what field, which institution, city, state or country, and year degree was earned. The author’s major field of study should be lower-cased.

The second paragraph uses the pronoun of the person (he or she) and not the author’s last name. It lists military and work experience, including summer and fellowship jobs. Job titles are capitalized. The current job must have a location; previous positions may be listed without one. Information concerning previous publications may be included. Try not to list more than three books or published articles. The format for listing publishers of a book within the biography is: title of book (city, state: publisher name, year) similar to a reference. Current and previous research interests ends the paragraph.

The third paragraph begins with the author’s title and last name (e.g., Dr. Smith, Prof. Jones, Mr. Kajor, Ms. Hunter). List any memberships in professional societies. Finally, list any awards, work, service, and publications.  If a photograph is provided, the biography will be indented around it. The photograph is placed at the top left of the biography. Personal hobbies will be deleted from the biography.



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