Research Topics in Law
- (UN Geneva - Alvin Wei-Cheng Wong)
1. Business Law
- The true nature of business law
- Equity and the doctrines of business law
- Morality and its relation to business law
- Business laws and the parliament
- The formulation of business regulations
- Business regulations essential for institutions and organizations
- The classification of the business regulations
- The Law of Contracts
- The fundamentals of contract law for businesses
- The judiciary bodies in corporate law
- Contract laws with respect to the application of verbal and non-verbal agreements
- Commercial Law
- commercial partnerships
- International commercial law
- Affirmative action programs
- Age discrimination in the workplace
- and censorship
- Avoidance of sexual harassment lawsuits within the company
- Bank fraud and the methods of identification
- Collective Bargaining Union
- Construction Industry hazards and government solutions
- Discrimination of diabetes in the workplace
- Duress and undue influence when signing a contract
- Employment discrimination
- Compare business law in capitalist to community states
- Whom does the copyright law protect between a singer signed to record label company or an independent one
- How to avoid patent and copyright when copying a rival product in the market
- Mention the best approach for protecting authors and their work
- Product liability and the ocean of ethical and legal issues
- Proprietary versus contract security
- Lawyer defection in the company
- Whistleblowers laws and their impact on specific cases
- A look at the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
- Trademark infringement
- The law of contracts
- What is the role of a business entity in relation to commercial law
- How can verbal and nonverbal agreements apply in investigating contract laws
- Commercial law setting the framework for business in every society
- Mention the role of the legislature in interpreting contracts
- What are the failures business face pursuing a commercial or regular lease
- Analyzing the connotations of a commercial lease and its importance to business owners
- Investigating the application of copyrights and trademarks play in business transactions
- Analyze business Wills and their roles in easing business law translations
- What are the effects of business law on commercial transactions and licensing
- Fall protection in construction Industry
- Discuss the laws against racial discrimination
- How do litigation procedures affect the business
- Is paternity leave for a father acceptable
- Sexual harassment law
- The Ocean Liner Contract System
- What are the effective methods for keeping a new business running
- What is the influence of piracy on the business profitability
- What are the positive and negative suggestions of tort reform
- What are the beneficial aspects of exclusion from antitrust laws
- What are the perks and pitfalls of the affirmative action program
- How non-disclosure agreements protect the business in a short and long run
- Trade secrets
- Analyze the importance of a universal commercial law code to societies business entities
- What is the importance of termination in relation to business law
- Mention the difficulties of obtaining a commercial lease
- Sarbanes- Oxley Act
- HIPAA Provisions
- HIPAA and the employer
2. Cyber Law and Ethical Hacking
-- Cyber Law
- Cyber Law Information Technology
- Armenia's Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Law
- Technology, Cyber and Privacy Law
- U.S. Data Privacy Laws
- Cyber Warfare and International Law
- Shariah Law and Cyber-Sectarian Conflict: How can Islamic Criminal Law respond to cybercrime?
- The Law of Computer Trespass: Cyber Security or Virtual Entrapment?
- Investigating Cyber Security Threats: Exploring National Security and Law Enforcement Perspectives
- Connecticut Law and Cyber Bullying: More Is Needed
- The Law Of Cyber Attack
- Cyber Law: Approach to Prevent Cyber Crime
- E-Governance Initiative in Cyber Law Making
- United States Counter Terrorism Cyber Law and Policy, Enabling
- Investigating Cyber Law and Cyber Ethics: Issues, Impacts and Practices
- A survey of Cyber crime and law and its pre-vention approach
-- Ethical Hacking
- Is ethical hacking ethical
- Understanding ethical hacking
- Three Different Shades of Ethical Hacking: Black, White and Gray
- Applications of Ethical Hacking
- Ethical Hacking and Social Security
- Ethical hacking: The security justification
- Benefits of Ethical Hacking
- Ethical Hacking and its Vulnerabilities
- Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Strategies
- Network Security and Business Protection through Ethical Hacking
- Ethical Hacking/Penetration Testing
- Security evaluation of the Accounting and Monitoring for AAI Services (AMAAIS) platform with the use of ethical hacking instruments
- Hacking: Illegal but Ethical
- Ethical Hacking Assessment as a Vehicle for Undergraduate Cyber-Security Education
- Making the Case for Ethical Hacking
- Making the Case for Ethical Hacking
- Ethical Hacking For Security from Web Based Attacks
- Ethical Hacking and Types of Hackers
- Ethical Hacking Tools: A Situational Awareness
- ETHICAL HACKING: An Approach towards Penetration Testing
- Praise for Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker's Handbook
3. Medical Law
- Bioethics
- Clinical Trials Law and Legislation
- Discrimination in Medical Care
- Emergency Medical Services
- Health Law and Legislation
- Health Decision Making
- Health Insurance Law and Legislation
- Health Insurance Law and Legislation Criminal Provisions
- Infectious Diseases and Law
- Informed Consent Medical Law
- Medicaid Law and Legislation
- Medicaid Fraud
- Medicare United States Corrupt Practices
- Medical Records Access Control
- Right to Die Law and Legislation
- The common law towards refusal of medical treatment
- Evaluating the laws governing organ transplantation
- How do ethics and medical law coexist?
- Ethics and Medical Laws in World War II
- Law application in medicine: Exploring the antecedents and practice
- Evaluating the ethical and legal challenges of using biobanks
- Exploring the legal aspects of electronic fetal monitoring
- How do lawsuits affect medical practitioners’ commitment to offering lifesaving treatments?
- Unregistered medical intervention: What are the legal implications?
- Morality and law in the abortion debate
- In accordance with international environmental law, biological weapons are prohibited
- Will the Uber industry have an impact on ecology?
- United States environmental laws in effect today
- Due to environmental legislation and economic reality, sustainability, and environmental compliance
- anything about Canadian environmental laws
- evaluating aspects of crime that shouldn’t be discussed in court
- What are the best strategies for shielding witnesses in criminal cases from reprisals?
- A more thorough examination of the death penalty’s past
- Examining the connection between crime and morality is the focus of this examination of criminal theory
- A case study of London’s examination into the difficulties in determining the type and distribution of crime
- How to balance the rights of defendants and victims when using anonymity in sexual offense litigation
- Slavery, prostitution, and human trafficking. the methods used globally to eradicate it
- Is identity theft a modern-day crime? prevention of identity theft in the post-Internet era
- criminality and psychology. Are some people more likely than others to breach the law?
- Social control theory against the self-control hypothesis
- False confessions and how they are handled in various nations
- The environment’s impact on crime rates is one of the theories behind shattered windows
- Similarities and disparities between mental diseases and crime in various nations
- education, criminal behavior, and intelligence
- From the beginning to the present, criminologists’ fieldwork
- How does quantitative criminology differ from other types of crime? What is it?
- When is the use of the international criminal court appropriate?
- Examining the effectiveness of lie detectors in the criminal justice system
- A more thorough investigation of the death penalty’s past.
- The main distinctions between male and female rape laws
- Assessing criminal-related variables that shouldn’t be brought up in court.
- What effects has EU law had on the UK’s system of intellectual property?
- Can the advancing technologies coexist peacefully with the US’s current intellectual property laws?
- Explaining the connection between EU rules and intellectual property laws?
4. Intellectual Property Law
-- Patents
- Applying for a Patent
- Patentability Requirements
- Non-Obviousness Requirement for Patents
- Utility Requirement for Patents
- Prior Art Leading to Denials of Patent Applications
- Provisional Patent Applications
- Patent Appeals
- Enforcement of Patent Rights
- Patent Infringement
- First Steps in a Patent Infringement Case
- Time Limits in Patent Infringement Cases
- Damages in Patent Infringement Cases
- Injunctions and Restraining Orders in Patent Infringement Cases
- Patent Licensing
- Choosing Between Licensing and Manufacturing an Invention
- Patent Prosecution
- Patent Search
- Types of Patents
- Design Patents
- Utility Patents
- Plant Patents
- Business Method Patents
- Improvement and New Use Patents
- Combination Inventions and Patent Protection
- Small and Micro Entities Pursuing Patents
- Patent Drawings
- International Patent Protection
- First-to-File Rule for Patent Applications
- Timeline for Patent Applications
- Scope of Patent Protection
- Duration of Patent Protection
- Revising a Patent
- Royalties and Deductions From Licensing Inventions
- Protecting an Invention Before Getting a Patent
- Working with a Patent Lawyer
- Filing for a Patent Without a Lawyer
- Patent Forms
-- Copyright
- Copyright Infringement
- Damages in Copyright Infringement Cases
- Secondary Copyright Infringement
- First Steps in a Copyright Infringement Case
- Copyright Ownership
- Assignment of Copyrights
- Copyright Licensing
- Royalty Payments for Copyrighted Artwork
- International License Agreements for US Artists
- Copyright Registration
- Safe Harbors for Online Service Providers Under Copyright Law
- Criminal Copyright Infringement
- Enforcement of Copyrights
- Fair Use Defense to Copyright Infringement
- Transformative Use and Copyright Infringement
- Software Development Agreements
- End-User License Agreements
- Lists, Directories, and Databases Under Copyright Law
- Photos of Buildings and Architecture Under Copyright Law
- Photos of Copyrighted or Trademarked Works and the Fair Use Defense to Infringement
- Works in the Public Domain After Copyrights Expire
- Copyrights and Credits for Songwriters
- Music Samples and Copyright Infringement
- Sample Clearance for Copyrighted Music
- Playing Music in Stores or Restaurants - How to Avoid Copyright Infringement
- Consignment Sales by Artists to Stores
- Destruction of Copyrighted Works
- Copyright Forms
- Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) Safe Harbors
-- Trademarks
- Categories of Marks
- Certification Marks
- Collective Marks
- Service Marks
- Trademarks
- Cybersquatting Involving Trademarks and Service Marks
- Trademark Infringement
- Strength of Trademarks and Service Marks
- Arbitrary Trademarks and Service Marks
- Descriptive Trademarks and Service Marks
- Fanciful Trademarks and Service Marks
- Suggestive Trademarks and Service Marks
- Generic Terms Excluded From Trademark Protection
- Trade Dress
- Trade Names
- Trademark Dilution
- Enforcement of Trademark Rights
- Trademark Registration
- Trademark Classes
- Trademark Search
- Unregistered Trademarks
- Naked Licenses of Trademarks to Unmonitored Licensees
- Trademark Laws and Forms: 50-State Survey
-- Trade Secrets
- Non-Compete Agreements Protecting Trade Secrets
- Non-Disclosure Agreements Protecting Trade Secrets
- Enforcement of Trade Secret Rights
- Trade Secret Infringement
- Choosing Among Patent, Copyright, and Trademark
- Intellectual Property FAQs
- Intellectual Property Articles
- Intellectual Property Resources
- Intellectual Property Laws
- Intellectual Property Glossary
5. Environmental Laws
- Environmental law v/s development
- International environmental law
- Environmental law for the sustainability of the resources and management
- International environmental law towards the management of the natural resources
- Black markets of animal body parts and poaching of tigers
- Environmental laws vs energy laws
- International law counsel on conscious ecological restoration
- The catastrophes of major natural resources
- Environmental crime and the law
- The environmental laws protecting the great barrier reef in Australia
- The Paris Agreement on climate change in terms of the management of carbon emissions
- The law enforcement bodies in terms of the management of illegal waste
- The contributions of the woodlands in the ecological preservation
- Political interests vs the environmental laws
- Environmental laws and energy infrastructures
- Treatment of the waste water from the agriculture sector
- Environmental laws vs development goals of the state
[More to come ...]