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Welcome to the EITA

MIT Stata Center_051118
(MIT Ray and Maria Stata Center, Jenny Fowter)

"Coming Together is a Beginning; Keeping Together is Progress; Working Together is Success" 


Henry Ford

Founder of the Ford Motor Company

- EITA's Knowledge Platform

The Emerging Information and Technology Association (EITA) is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit international organization (a virtual organization), dedicated to expanding the frontiers of Emerging Technologies and Services and building a creative and innovative economy - the knowledge-based, new digital economy for the 21st century.  

The Emerging Information and Technology Association (EITA) helps take new campus technologies to market. Through research collaborations and partnerships, community innovation, industry support and commercialization opportunities, firms benefit from our expertise and technologies while increasing their own innovation potential.

The EITA Venture Community is a hub for the interests and pursuits of the entrepreneurial community where practitioners, investors, regulators, professors and researchers come together to develop ideas and contribute toward building the emerging new economy and culture.

Equally important, the EITA website ( strives to build shared knowledge and vocabulary among experts from different disciplinary backgrounds so that they can collaborate more effectively to address the above challenges.


- Centers of Excellence


Research, Innovation, and Commercialization:

  • Research - to conduct pioneering research in key areas of Emerging Technologies and Services,
  • Innovation - to make fundamental discoveries, generate innovative solutions to practical problems,
  • Commercialization - to develop new technologies for commercial applications.


Our team members worldwide are doing exciting work that could shape their fields for many years to come. We consider some of them to be primarily Inventors; they’re immersed in creating new technologies. Others we call Visionaries, because they’re showing how technologies could be put to new or better uses. Humanitarians are using technology to expand opportunities or inform public policy. Pioneers are exploring new frontiers that will spawn future innovations; such ­breakthroughs will be taken up by tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs, ­people who are turning nascent technologies into viable businesses.


- The EITA R&D and Venture Forums 

Bridging Disciplines:

[10 Steps To Success]

The EITA provides exciting educational, networking, and outreach forums for the R&D community worldwide in which academia, industry, and government can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems, concerns, and goals.

Currently, the Emerging Information and Technology Association (EITA) is supporting following high-tech R&D and Venture forums worldwide: (the EITA forums).


- Building a Knowledge Economy

Universities play an important role in determining a region’s capacity for innovation and to transform new ideas into economic activity. Not only do they educate the local workforce -- creating human capital -- and produce intellectual property, but they also contribute indirectly through their basic research activities. While not of immediate commercial value, these foundational research activities help create and advance industries in unpredictable ways. 

Understanding whether innovative industries in the high-tech sector benefit from academic research and development activity at regional institutions would be useful when assessing the tools available for technology-based economic development strategies. The empirical analysis of the relationship between research activity and high-tech employment aims to inform policymakers interested in the long-term capability of global regions to sustain an economic base in knowledge-based industries.

- Entrepreneurial Creativity For Innovation

Innovation is the foundation of successful business development. Innovation is turning an idea into something valuable and relevant. Creativity is the ability to see the world in new ways, discover hidden patterns, make connections between seemingly disparate things and generate new ideas. Innovation tends to drive creativity, but creativity doesn't always lead to innovation. 

Creative and innovative entrepreneurs can identify opportunities and create new value for their clients. To be a creative and visionary entrepreneur, you must have the right mindset.

Entrepreneurial creativity is the ability to develop new ideas and solve problems. It is the ability to foresee the future and generate ideas, solutions and innovations before they are needed. It is the ability to solve a customer or customer problem before the customer realizes the problem exists. 

Entrepreneurial innovation is the ability to turn ideas into reality. It's about finding new ways of doing things and making them better. Entrepreneurial innovation is about creating new products or services, improving processes, or finding new markets for existing products or services.



[More to come ...]

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