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Knowledge Media Technologies

Toronto_2, Canada
(Toronto, Canada - Wei-Jiun Su)

- Overview

Knowledge media technologies are tools that help people generate, interpret and share knowledge using different media. They also help people understand how the use of different media affects these processes. 

Knowledge media technologies can include documents, artifacts, systems, and technologies designed to enhance human creativity, learning, and knowledge building. 

Knowledge media technologies refer to tools that support the processes of producing, interpreting, and sharing knowledge using a variety of different media and understand how the use of different media shapes these processes.

The media industry is often the first port of call for breaking news and stories. However, today’s technology means we are all content creators and publishers. It's never been easier to create new videos, spread the word through social media, and grow your audience.

Now, innovative paradigms in emerging technologies are changing the way we collect and deliver content. While some of these technologies sound like they're straight out of a science fiction movie, we'll show you how to use these ten emerging technology examples to transform your content creation and distribution processes.


- Emerging Technologies Revolutionizing the Media Industry

The media industry is often the first port of call for breaking news and stories. However, today’s technology means we are all content creators and publishers. It's never been easier to create new videos, spread the word through social media, and grow your audience.

Now, innovative paradigms in emerging technologies are changing the way we collect and deliver content. Although some of these technologies sound like they're straight out of a science fiction movie.

The following ten examples of emerging technologies are being used to transform the content creation and distribution process:

  • 5G & Wi-Fi 6
  • Virtual Reality (VR)
  • Anti-ad blocking
  • Automated journalism
  • Social outreach apps
  • Death of the cookie
  • Data scrollytelling /visualization
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Wearable journalism
  • Video creation technology

These ten examples of emerging technologies showcase advances that are fundamentally changing the media industry.


[More to come ...]


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