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Wi-Fi HaLow

Columbia University_021124C
[Columbia University - Kevin Dale]
- Overview

Wi-Fi HaLow, also known as IEEE 802.11ah, is a wireless protocol from the Wi-Fi Alliance that's designed for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It's an open, standard Wi-Fi technology that operates in the unlicensed 900 MHz band, below 1 gigahertz (GHz): 

Wi-Fi HaLow offers several advantages over traditional Wi-Fi, including:

  • Longer range: Wi-Fi HaLow can have up to 10 times the range, 100 times the area coverage, and 1000 times the volume of traditional Wi-Fi.
  • Lower power consumption: Wi-Fi HaLow is energy efficient and works well with battery-powered sensor devices.
  • Better penetration: Wi-Fi HaLow can perform better through obstacles and walls.
  • Wi-Fi HaLow's versatility has led to its adoption by many IoT projects, including monitoring cattle on farms and managing multi-dwelling units. 


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