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Web 2.0

Cornell University_011122A
[Cornell University - Yi Wen]


    - Overview

    Web 2.0 is a term first coined in 2004 by technology strategist Darcy DiNucci. She used the term to describe the shift from static HTML pages to a more dynamic web where users interact with web applications and with each other. One of the key features of Web 2.0 is that it allows users to create and share content online. 

    This includes content such as blogs, social media posts, and user-generated videos and images. Web 2.0 makes the Internet a more interactive and collaborative place. It has also spawned new ways of doing business and marketing online.


    - Web 2.0 Technologies

    Communication and information technology, hosted by a web-based interface that allows users to contribute, share, and collaborate with others over the Internet. Content generated by Web 2.0 technologies has always been based on the collaborative efforts of users, rather than first-generation Web applications creating content from different sources.

    Various new technologies, such as blogs, wikis, media sharing sites, and social networking sites, provide user-centric opportunities to create and share content. Web-based services or products that allow individuals to share digital resources, communicate, collaborate, and jointly build knowledge. Web traffic consists primarily of user-generated content, such as video and social networking, and collaboration.

    Web 2.0 technologies commonly associated with Web development and Web design facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Examples of Web 2.0 services include Web-based communities, social networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs, mashups, and folk taxonomies. Web traffic consists primarily of user-generated content, such as video and social networking, and collaboration.

    These technologies enable end users to actively participate in the promotion and advertising of digital content worldwide. In particular, they provide virtual spaces and tools to share knowledge among users and create topic-oriented communities. Meaningful examples are MySpace, YouTube, and Facebook.

    These Web 2.0 technologies or social networking tools have greater user interactivity, sharing, collaboration, more pervasive network connectivity, and enhanced communication channels. A suite of web and client-based technologies and services that specify user contributions to generating and reusing information; examples include wikis, blogs, and personal broadcasts.



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