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HPC Quantum Computing and Quantum Cloud Computing

Quantum Communications and Internet
(Quantum Communications and Internet - MIT)

- Overview

Quantum computers are expected to work in tandem with classical computers, and not fully replace them. Together, high-performance computing (HPC) and quantum computing (QC) promise to accelerate or outright enable solutions to some of the toughest computing challenges to date. 

These challenges are too complex, both in terms of computational steps and memory requirements, for HPC to effectively solve on its own.

The integration of HPC and quantum computing can have several benefits, including: 

  • Maximum computational power
  • Leveraging the strengths of both technologies
  • Solving classically-intractable problems


Some applications for quantum computing include: Artificial intelligence, Better batteries, Cleaner fertilization, Drug development, Electronic materials discovery, Financial modeling, Solar capture, Traffic optimization.  


- Evolving Quantum Computing for HPC Applications and Architectures 

High-performance computing (HPC) and quantum computing can be used together to improve the accuracy of simulations. HPC uses clusters of processors to process data and perform simulations at high speeds. Quantum computing uses qubits and principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform calculations.

Here's some more information about HPC and quantum computing:

  • HPC: HPC uses clusters of processors to process data and perform simulations at high speeds. HPC can use simulation to simulate small, fault-tolerant quantum computers. HPC can also emulate Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers.
  • Quantum computing: Quantum computing uses qubits instead of classical bits and depends on principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform calculations. Quantum computing systems are developing rapidly as powerful solvers for a variety of real-world calculations.

Integrating a quantum computer with HPC can lead to higher accuracy. Both the quantum computer and the part of the system it is simulating obey the same laws of quantum mechanics.


- Quantum Computers How They Work

Quantum computers use subatomic particles, such as electrons or photons, to perform calculations. These particles can exist in more than one state at the same time, allowing quantum computers to process exponentially more data than classical computers.

Here are some ways quantum computers work: 

  • Quantum bits: Quantum computers use quantum bits, or qubits, to transmit information. Qubits allow particles to exist in more than one state at the same time.
  • Entanglement: Entanglement is a quantum mechanical property that allows scientists to push multiple qubits into the same state, even if the qubits aren't in contact with each other.
  • Quantum annealing: Quantum annealing uses a physical process to place a quantum system's qubits in an absolute energy minimum. The hardware then alters the system's configuration so that its energy landscape reflects the problem that needs to be solved.

Quantum computers are being manufactured and used, but they cannot yet make the large-scale calculations that are expected to be possible in the future.


- Quantum Computing in Cloud Computing

Quantum computing in cloud computing is the use of quantum computation technologies to perform computational tasks in the cloud. It combines the power of quantum computing with the accessibility and scalability of cloud computing. 

Cloud-based quantum computing uses quantum simulators, emulators, or processors, which are available for use via the cloud. Users can access and use various hardware and software without any need to purchase or lease any infrastructure. 

Some examples of quantum cloud computing services include: 

  • Amazon Braket: A fully managed quantum computing service that helps speed up scientific research and software development for quantum computing.
  • Microsoft Azure: A quantum cloud computing service that offers an open-source development kit that works with modern environments supporting Q#, Qiskit, and Cirq.

Some disadvantages of quantum computing include: 

  • Quantum error correction
  • Environmental sensitivity
  • Post-quantum cryptography
  • Quantum-powered AI could create unintended consequences


- Advantages of Quantum Cloud Computing

Cloud-based quantum computing is the use of quantum emulators, simulators, or processors through the cloud. Cloud computing is the use of hosted services, such as data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software over the internet. 

Some advantages of cloud-based quantum computing include:

  • Accessibility
  • Cost-efficiency
  • Innovation acceleration
  • Scalability
  • Global collaboration
  • Training and education
  • Integration with HPC and other technologies
  • Reduced physical security concerns


[More to come ...]



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