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Quantum Science and Engineering

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(Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications)

- Overview

Quantum science and engineering (QSE) is the study and design of devices, materials, and algorithms that use quantum systems' unique properties to create technologies that outperform classical ones. It's an emerging discipline that focuses on understanding and exploiting the unusual behavior of particles and excitations that are governed by quantum mechanics. 

QSE has the potential to lead to a new class of technologies and areas of inquiry in the 21st century. For example, quantum engineering can use quantum mechanics to develop quantum technologies like quantum sensors and computers. These technologies have already revolutionized society in many areas, including medicine, optical communication, high-speed internet, and high-performance computing. 

Here are some examples of how QSE is being applied in different areas: 
  • Machine learning: Mapping complex data to quantum state space for feature analysis could help overcome the limitations of techniques like pattern classification, which can struggle with complex data structures
  • Solar cells: Singlet fission, a doubling effect that occurs when an organic molecule absorbs a photon of light and splits its energy in two, could improve light-harvesting efficiency in solar cells
  • Materials: Quantum engineering could lead to new material discoveries and quantum chemistry, such as in batteries 

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- Quantum Science and Technology

Quantum science originates from the study of the smallest objects in nature. Today, it promises to deepen our understanding of the universe and deliver breakthrough technologies, from quantum computers to ultra-precise measurement devices to next-generation materials. 

Understand fundamental concepts in the field of quantum science, including superposition, entanglement, and the uncertainty principle. Learn how quantum principles and our understanding of them can be harnessed to benefit society and stimulate new research across disciplines:

  • Quantum Systems in Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Quantum Information Science and Technology
  • Particle Physics and High Energy Physics
  • Quantum Algorithms and Applications
  • Quantum Computing Systems and Architecture
  • Quantum Information Hardware and Devices
  • Quantum Information Theory
  • Quantum and Materials Chemistry
  • Quantum Optics
  • Quantum Sensing
  • Quantum Simulation


- Quantum Engineering

Quantum engineering is an emerging discipline that aims to exploit the special behavior of quantum systems to achieve novel functions. The quantum principles of uncertainty and superposition can be applied to designing computers capable of solving extremely complex problems. 

They are already used to make ultra-stable clocks, for example in GPS systems. They can be used to transmit data with a higher level of privacy. We are only beginning to realize what applications may exist in the future. 

Quantum engineering is all around us today. All modern electronic devices are manufactured at the nanometer scale, where quantum effects are key to controlling the flow of electrons. The best TVs use QLED technology, where the "Q" stands for "quantum dots," nanoscale semiconductor devices that emit bright light. 

GPS navigation relies on atomic clocks based on quantum effects. Superconducting quantum sensors are used to discover mineral deposits in remote areas, and atom-based sensors are used in defense applications to detect enemy submarines. Quantum random number generators are used to provide truly random encryption keys to enable secure communications on the Internet. 

Small quantum computers can be accessed through the cloud and are being tested to solve problems in chemistry, finance, logistics and other fields.


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