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In-Memory Computing

(The University of Chicago -Alvin Wei-Cheng Wong)

- Overview

In-memory computing (IMC) is a technique that runs computer calculations in computer memory, such as RAM. It's a type of middleware software that allows data to be stored in RAM and processed in parallel across a cluster of computers. 

Here are some advantages of IMC: 

  • Speeds up data access: Data stored in RAM is available instantaneously, eliminating the need to retrieve it from disk and move it into RAM before processing.
  • Scalability: IMC solutions can deliver real-time application performance and massive scalability.
  • Energy efficiency: IMC uses the physical attributes and state dynamics of memory devices to perform computational tasks with very high areal and energy efficiency.


IMC is typically used for large-scale, complex calculations that require specialized systems software to run the calculations on computers working together in a cluster. Some examples of use cases that require high-speed processing include: Payment processing, Fraud detection, Predictive maintenance, Algorithmic trading, Self-driving cars. 

Some disadvantages of IMC include: 

  • Volatility: Memory is volatile, which means if the system crashes or loses power, all data in memory can be lost.
  • Cost: Memory is more expensive than disk storage. 
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